Be Ready for Special Wheels of PWC FORGED WHEELS! We offer the custom wheels that will ensure new look and signal with you in the traffic. Show off your style with our unbeatable quality and one-of-a-kind designs to make your ride even better than it already was. Our wheels are made to accommodate a wide range of vehicles from cars, trucks and SUVs.
PWC FORGED WHEELS manufactures the wheels for all types of commercial and shortcuts. We build wheels that not only look good, but also function extremely well. We manufacture our wheels from equally robust materials that will stand the test of time and provide fantastic board feel. Our wheels give you the combination of style and durability so that no matter what vehicle you are using them for, you know they will be perfect.
Those wheels costs money, but we love you and want to give you the best quality and design. Our kovano platišče team understands that the highest quality product then we shed blood to make sure each and ever wheel deviled by us lives up to a certain high standard of excellence. Our craftsman take pride in their work and we stand behind our product to make sure you feel good about your wheel purchase.
We have an amazing team of professionals behind designing beautiful performance wheels. Our wheels are strong enough to stand up to the rigors of the road and good looking with it. Every wheel is engineered to perfection, ensuring that you are both satisfied with the aesthetics and performance of your vehicle.
By selecting PWC FORGED WHEELS, you help to improve your journey and also keep it more entertaining. The 18 kovanih platišč aesthetic and performance gains with our custom wheels will be night and day. For a rough and tough look, or for something smooth and tailored, we have the right wheels. We will deliver on your choices of what you want out of your car.
Today we offer Custom wheels that are the direct expression of your individuality or a great way to demonstrate the personality of your vehicle. We know your vehicle is an extension of your personality, so we strive to create wheels as individual and Yunique as you are. You can use our designs to show case yourself and personalize your ride down to your personality.
With custom wheels from PWC FORGED WHEELS, you can even further enhance your vehicle. Designed to help elevate how your vehicle performs, our wheels strive to provide you with all the confidence you require to complete any obstacle that finds its way Infront of it's tires. Our 20 kovanih platišč custom wheels will change the way you view your experience on and off the track in terms of aesthetics; whether setting land-speed records or just cruising down the highway.
PWCFORGED je proizvodni center, ki pokriva skupno površino 2000 kvadratnih metrov, s proizvodno linijo celotnega procesa za proizvodnjo pesta koles in platišč. Ima povprečno letno proizvodno zmogljivost 50.000. Izdeluje kovana kolesa in tridelna platišča. Prodaja jih po vsem svetu, vključno z Združenimi državami, Japonsko, Avstralijo in Združenim kraljestvom, Poljsko in številnimi drugimi.
PWCFORGED je podelil certifikate ISO9001 TUV, ISO9001 itd. PWCFORGED ima številne patente in celotne poprodajne ekipe.
Sredina povezuje zunanjo ustnico in notranjo cev. Zagotavlja večjo fleksibilnost oblikovanja, ki omogoča spreminjanje oblike, velikosti in barve vseh treh komponent. To se pogosto uporablja za dirkalna vozila, luksuzne avtomobile, pa tudi za aplikacije po meri.
Dobrodošli v naši tovarniški storitvi kovanih platišč po meri! Naše strokovne izkušnje s prilagajanjem obsegajo več kot 8 let. Ponujamo različne edinstvene možnosti kolesnih pest. Ne samo, da ga je mogoče izdelati v značilnih oblikah na podlagi želja strank, ampak ga je mogoče prilagoditi z bogatimi in živahnimi barvami na podlagi preferenc, kar poskrbi, da bo vaš avto edinstven. Predani smo izdelavi koles iz visokokakovostnih materialov, ki ne zadovoljujejo le specifičnih potreb, temveč tudi zagotavljajo tržno konkurenco in vodijo tržne trende. Če izberete nas, boste prejeli najbolj edinstveno in privlačno kolo, ki bo vašemu vozilu dalo novo življenje.