Do you feel bored to death with plain and standard wheels? Are you looking to make your car look better and more unique than the other cars on the road? Well if that sounds like you, PWC FORGED WHEELS is right for you! Our stunning 24-inch forged wheels provide your vehicle with a new aesthetic approach while maintaining exceptional performance. These 26 kalti riteņi give you beauty and function all wrapped up in one sweet package.
You pick these cars when you drive around town to be seen, to let people know you have style. I mean, everyone wants to impress, right? Most noticeable are the forged wheels that we offer, a real entrance sentence! They are available in various colors and designs, making it easy to find one that you think will flatter your personality and taste. Whatever your taste is, there is something from neon to muted tones for everyone. Our wheels let you truly express your individuality and your cars.
mūsu 3 gabalu kalts ritenis not only maintain an impressive aesthetic, but remarkable performance! They are designed to be strong yet light, enhancing your car handling on the road and increasing its speed. Think about how much better of a drive you will experience with wheels that add power and response to your ride! They bring our wheels out to rocky trails to ensure they can handle the terrain. Whether you are taking a drive down the road with PWC FORGED WHEELS strapped to your car, you can rest assured because they have always passed stringent safety tests.
You might ask yourself, what the hell are 24-inch forged wheels? These lietie kalti diski are forged from a single chunk of quality aluminum. A lot of heat and pressure is used to shape and hammer the aluminum. This unique process results in wheels that are significantly stronger and lighter than standard cast wheels. These larger 24-inch wheels in particular not only create a striking and imposing aesthetic, they also lend themselves to better performance. It’s a win-win situation!
PWC FORGED WHEELS | FORGED WHEEL: ARE YOU READY? Our knowledgeable and friendly staff can help you to choose the right wheel for your vehicle and your taste. You can get the design, color, and finish of your choice, as we have a number of options available. And don't worry! All of our alumīnija kalti diski are crafted with quality materials. And they are also covered under warranty, so you can relax in knowing you are buying a quality product.
PWCFORGE ieguva sertifikātus, piemēram, ISO9001 TUV, ISO9001 un citus daudzus citus. PWCFORGED ir vairāku patentu īpašnieks, kā arī pilna pēcpārdošanas atbalsta komanda.
Iegūstiet pēc pasūtījuma kaltu riteni no mūsu rūpnīcas! Mūsu profesionālā pielāgošanas pieredze aptver vairāk nekā astoņus gadus. Mēs piedāvājam unikālus riteņu rumbu risinājumus. To var ne tikai veidot īpašās formās, lai apmierinātu klientu vajadzības, bet arī pielāgot to ar košām un košām krāsām, pamatojoties uz vēlmēm, lai nodrošinātu, ka jūsu automašīna ir unikāla. Mēs esam apņēmušies saprātīgi ražot no augstas kvalitātes materiāliem izgatavotus riteņus, kas ne tikai atbilst īpašām vajadzībām, bet arī piedāvā konkurētspēju tirgū un ir priekšā šajā nozarē. Izvēloties mūs, jums būs unikāls un uzkrītošs ritenis, kas piešķirs jūsu automašīnai jaunu spēku.
Sastāv no trim galvenajiem komponentiem, kas atrodas centrā, ārējā lūpā un iekšpusē. Centrs savienojas starp ārējo lūpu, iekšējo mucu un vidu. Tas nodrošina lielāku dizaina elastību, jo var pielāgot katras sastāvdaļas izmēru, formu un krāsu. Muca tiek plaši izmantota sacīkšu, luksusa automašīnās un muitas izstrādātās lietojumprogrammās.
PWCFORGED ir ražošanas centrs, kura kopējā platība ir 2000 kvadrātmetri un kurā ir pilna procesa ražošanas līnija riteņu rumbu un loku ražošanai. Tā vidējā ražošanas jauda gadā ir 50.000 XNUMX. Tas ražo kaltus riteņus un trīsdaļīgus diskus. Tas pārdod tos visā pasaulē, tostarp ASV, Japānā, Austrālijā un Apvienotajā Karalistē, Polijā un daudzās citās valstīs.