Looking for the perfect wheels for your vehicle? My answer is PWC FORGED WHEELS. Indeed these 22 inch rims for sale by us in the UK are guaranteed to be as rugged and tough as they come. Keep reading to learn why our wheels are the perfect option for both you as an individual driver and your vehicle
So, to understand 22x12 it's clear. 22 is the size of the wheel. It simply says, the wheel is 22 inches in diameter And man, this is a big wheel! The "12" in this case, refers to the width of the wheel is now 12 inches. That means it is inherently wide to be robust and deal with the tough stuff. That means when you opt for 26 collu diski, you are getting a massive and robust wheel that can guarantee good support to your ride.
The moment you choose PWC FORGED WHEELS, then undoubtedly you select the profoundly amazing wheels for your vehicle. The 24 collu diski of ours are some exception made up with the best quality material which last for. They are styled to not also look heat but are created with good street manners. We test every single wheel we make for quality and pride ourselves on delivering a product that can deliver level performance you count on going fast. These are wheels that you want to be rolling on and they will not only give you a good look, but also safe and reliable ride.
One of the coolest features of our alumīnija loku pulēšana is that you have a wide selection of different style options to choose from including designs and colors. We pride ourselves on our selection, it doesn't matter if you are looking for a traditional black wheel or a vibrant finish like chrome or candy we have that and more. Upgrade your ride with both Performance and Proper Looking PWC FORGED WHEELS. There are so many, YOU can Make it Yours.
We at PWC FORGED WHEELS realize that every car is various and also has its unique needs. This is why we have fitments like other brands do in every size. No matter what kind of vehicle you drive, we have options for the best forged wheels to choose from that will fit your specific make and model with our alumīnija disku pulēšana. Our experts are here to assist you in this process. We will collaborate with you on your fit as well as the look for your bike. We want you to be happy with your wheels.
Not to mention our strong, good looking alumīnija riteņu loks. These are called forged wheels and they're made in a slightly different way. The method uses the metal, which is heated and formed under high pressure This results in far stronger, longer lasting wheels than other types of wheels that you may see. Drive with confidence when you have our forged wheels behind you, they are designed to conquer the road and any obstacle that stands in your way.
PWCFORGE ieguva sertifikātus, piemēram, ISO9001 TUV, ISO9001 un citus daudzus citus. PWCFORGED ir vairāku patentu īpašnieks, kā arī pilna pēcpārdošanas atbalsta komanda.
Izvēlieties mūsu rūpnīcas kalumu servisu pēc pasūtījuma! Mums ir vairāk nekā 8 gadu pieredze profesionāli pielāgošanā, un mēs varam piedāvāt unikālas riteņu rumbas iespējas. To var izgatavot ar unikālām formām, kas atbilst klientu vajadzībām, un to var pielāgot, lai iekļautu spilgtas krāsas, lai izveidotu savu unikālo transportlīdzekli. Mēs esam apņēmušies izstrādāt augstas kvalitātes, tirgū konkurētspējīgus riteņus, kas atbilst klientu vajadzībām un ir priekšā nozares tendencēm. Ar mūsu uzņēmumu jūs iegūsit unikālu un uzkrītošu riteni, kas jūsu transportlīdzeklim piešķir jaunu vitalitāti.
PWCFORGE ražotne, kas aptver 2000 kvadrātmetrus, un rūpniecisko līniju, kas spēj ražot riteņu rumbas un diskus. Tas ar mēneša vidējo ražošanas jaudu 50.000 XNUMX. Tas ražo kaltus riteņus un trīsdaļīgus diskus un tirgo tos visā pasaulē, tostarp ASV, Japānā, Austrālijā, Apvienotajā Karalistē, Polijā un daudzās citās valstīs.
Tas tiek izmantots sacīkstēs, transportlīdzekļos, luksusa automašīnās un pat pielāgotās lietojumprogrammās. Centrā savienojiet ārējo lūpu un iekšējās mucas. Centrs savieno ārējās lūpas un iekšējo mucu. Nodrošina dizainu un elastību, ļaujot pielāgot visu trīs daļu izmēru, formas un krāsu.