Are you dreaming of improving the aesthetic appeal and riding comfort of your ride? Try PWC Forged Wheels then. If you want to trick your car and have some adventures, then our excellent 22-inch wheels will do the job. After the installation of these wheels to your respective vehicle, you will not only be satisfied with its appearance but also experiencing a greater drive!
But, did you all know that your wheel inch, could fit how your car ride? That's right! A larger wheel with 22 inch of PWC is that which we provide you with, So now you can be stronger and more efficient when on the road. The manufacturing of these alloys wheels from very robust raw materials. This 18 кованих точкова indicates that they can serve you long enough and ensure that your car runs smoothly on the road as well. You can really tell the difference!
Naša 19 кованих точкова 22-inch wheels not only will improve your car's performance but also will make it look stunning! And of course, PWC Forged Wheels offers tons of different styles and colors for you to choose from. Shining black, matte black, chrome and even more cool-to-see finishes are in the menu. Regardless of your style, you will discover the ideal wheels to make your car look fantastic and incredible.
Ковани точкови од 19 инча 22-inch wheels that we sell are designed specifically to help your car reach its maximum potential. They are lighter and stronger than standard OEM wheels, which increase your car performance on the road faster and handle better. Also, as they are made of high-quality materials, they have a longer life span and require fewer repairs. Hence, you have more time to enjoy your car and less time worrying about the repairs.
These 22-inch wheels by PWC Forged Wheels are absolutely the best choice for anyone looking to make their car that much edgier. The 2 комада кованих точкова wheels are engineered to make your car perform and feel much better, whilst maintaining amazing new aesthetics. Then your car would be uber. It will make you feel good about driving and i'm sure your friends would notice the difference.
Sure, our 22-inch wheels might make it perform better, but they will also give the car some big street cred. Say Hello to the most eye catching wheel you will see on the road in 2015 with PWC's wheel. Probably be just as much an attention grabber at a car show or when you are cruising down the highway! They Ковани точкови од 20 инча would allow you to put in a lot of power without completely overpowering the rear wheels. Head turning looks. Feel proud pulling up alongside nearly anyone else on the road.
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ПВЦФОРГЕД је доделио сертификате ИСО9001 ТУВ, ИСО9001, итд. ПВЦФОРГЕД поседује бројне патенте као и комплетне тимове након продаје.
ПВЦФОРГЕД производни погон који покрива 2000 квадратних метара и производну линију способну за производњу главчина и фелни. је у стању да произведе просечни месечни капацитет од 50.000. Прави коване точкове и троделне фелге. Продаје их широм света у Сједињеним Државама, Јапану, Аустралији и Уједињеном Краљевству, Пољској и још много тога.
Изаберите нашу услугу кованих точкова из наше фабрике! Имамо преко 8 година искуства као професионалци у прилагођавању и можемо вам пружити јединствене опције главчине точка. Може се направити са јединственим облицима који задовољавају потребе купаца, а може се прилагодити тако да укључи живописне боје и створи ваше сопствено јединствено возило. Посвећени смо развоју висококвалитетних, тржишно конкурентних точкова који задовољавају потребе купаца и такође су испред трендова у индустрији. Са нашом компанијом, добићете јединствен и привлачан точак који уноси нову виталност у ваше возило.