Well, today we are going to talk about 28 inches of wheels! The 30 tommer fælge wheels are truly great for all sorts of bikes and they will allow you to ride even better, more freely and get as much out of your bike life. Here is a little more about how 28 inch wheels can improve your bike rides, and make sure that you experience the most fun and enjoyment.
Larger than the normal 26 inch wheels of many bikes, these are 28 inch wheels. As they are larger that means you have the advantage to travel faster and drive over basically all kinds of bumps or obstacles. That can be a big benefit if you're on bumpy pavement or rugged terrain. They also come with bigger wheels which should offer better grip on road or trail. The superior grip it provides helps you to remain on the saddle and this aids positive-riding all round.
alu 15 tommer fælge 28 inch wheels are a great choice for anyone who likes cycling in the city. There are so many potholes and bumps to navigate on a city street, you will struggle. However on a bigger wheel you can still get as smooth and more, comfortable ride. 28 inch wheels provide a greater area of grip on the roads and so you could feel it safer to ride even in busy traffic, SO, WE DESIGNED MADE TO LOOK GOOD ON CITY RIDERS. Well then, if you want take your commuter bike to the next level we have got you covered!
Mountain biking is supposed to be fun and thrill rides in the great outdoors. At 28 inch on the wheels, you can enjoy what mountain biking is meant to be. Both of those components are sized to more easily navigate rocks, roots, and the like so common on your typical trail. So, you can simply go out there and enjoy the beauty. Find the 28 inch mountain bike wheelset to suit your riding style at PWC FORGED WHEELS. In this alufælge polering manner, you could optimize your bike so it would perfectly fit with the things which have made you a wanderer.
Road Bike: 28 inch wheels are the most popular size so you will experience a smoother, easier and faster ride if this is your preferred biking style. They have great effect on holding your speed over straight, lengthy paths. They also provide you with more advantageous control when turning or cornering. You'll feel a lot more planted to your bike, even at fast speeds. PWC FORGED WHEELS offers a large selection of road bike wheels in 28 inches. That alufælge classic 350 means you can get the match for your riding and use-case.
For dem 3 dele fælg who love BMX biking or prefer leisurely bike rides on the beach cruiser, 28 inch wheels are a great option. They are larger wheels which can help you go faster and provide more power. The extra speed and power are particularly useful for tricks or riding long distances on your cruiser bike. Thirdly, PWC FORGED WHEELS offers plenty of BMX and cruiser wheels, in 28-inch sizing. A bike that can ensure that your bike not only looks good but works good too.
Vælg vores specialfremstillede smedede hjulservice fra vores fabrik! Vi har over 8 års erfaring med professionel tilpasning og giver dig unikke hjulnavsmuligheder. Ikke alene kan den tilpasses til unikke former i henhold til kundernes krav, men den kan tilpasses ved hjælp af rige og levende farver baseret på præferencer for at sikre, at din bil er karakteristisk. Vi er forpligtet til at producere premium hjul, som ikke kun opfylder de personlige krav, men har markedskonkurrenceevne og førende markedstendenser. Du modtager et bilhjul, der er karakteristisk, iøjnefaldende og tilføjer friskt liv til din bil, når du vælger os.
Centret forbinder den ydre læbe med den indre tønde. Centret fungerer som bindeled mellem den ydre læbe, den indre tønde og midten. Dette giver dig mere designfleksibilitet, da formen og farven på hver del kan justeres. Dette er meget brugte racerkøretøjer, luksusbiler og brugerdefinerede applikationer.
PWCFORGED er en produktionsfacilitet med et samlet areal på 2000 kvadratmeter med produktionslinjer, der er i stand til at fremstille hjulnav såvel som fælge, og er i stand til at producere en månedlig gennemsnitlig kapacitet på 50.000. Virksomheden fremstiller smedede fælge til tredelte samt hjulnav. Virksomheden sælger sine produkter over hele verden, herunder i USA, Japan, Australien og Storbritannien.
PWCFORGED er blevet tildelt certificeringer som ISO9001, TUV osv. PWCFORGED er ejer af flere patenter og et komplet eftersalgsteam.