There are a lot of people who love the clean, glossy look that brushed lip wheels offer their vehicles. These forged wheels are formed from a high-quality, lightweight alloy material that is more than capable to handle racing or cruising. These types of wheel have a very specific purpose, and that is the appearance. The PWC FORGED WHEELS Kované kolesá are made of a high polished chrome metal and brushed finish that will turn your car into something special and a real head turner wherever you go.
Brushed lip wheels will make your car look great and lot sleeker. This means that there are a variety of different sizes and styles allowing you to pick one that best matches the appearance of your car. Whether you have a fast sports car, an opulent soft ride of a sedan or even off-road 4x4; there is a brushed lip available that will perfectly suit your vehicle, making it more attractive and individually special with PWC FORGED WHEELS Drôtené kolesá.
You can go really classy with brushed lip wheels. It feels good to be able to say that you are proud of what you drive every time you hop in the driver seat. After all, your car is a representation of yourself, and that brushed lip wheels can keep you pinned as cool anyone out there. The PWC FORGED WHEELS Volanty are the wheels that will have others doing a double take when they see your car zip past. Brushed lip wheels have a beautiful design and appealing look that can make your ride look fancy.
If making your car looking a 10 out of 10 is important, you need brushed lip wheels. Not only do the wheels look great, they are also a solid upgrade. They are crafted with state of the art technology and premium materials, so you can trust that they will work for years to come even when used on a regular basis. These are a great set of wheels to have on your car whether you drive for pleasure on the weekends, take it out for an event or even use it as a daily transportation.
Broader lip rims are without a doubt perfect add-ons for an automotive fanatic. While the shiny metal with a brush finish color makes the watch really stand out from among others! In addition to being made of heavy duty materials, they are also road-wear-proofed as well. Not to mention, they can also enhance the way your car rebounds and even speeds up. With all of these reasons taken together, brushed lip wheels are an amazingly good choice for anyone who wants to improve the looks and the performance of their car.
Skladá sa z troch hlavných komponentov, ktoré zahŕňajú vonkajší okraj, stred a vnútorný valec. Stred sa spája s vonkajším okrajom vo vnútri valca. Poskytuje väčšiu voľnosť dizajnu, ktorá umožňuje zmeny veľkosti, tvaru a farby všetkých troch komponentov. Toto sa široko používa v pretekárskych vozidlách, luxusných autách a vlastných aplikáciách.
PWCFORGED je výrobný závod s rozlohou 2000 metrov štvorcových s priemyselnou linkou schopnou vyrábať náboje kolies a ráfiky. Má priemernú mesačnú výrobnú kapacitu 50.000 XNUMX. Vyrába kované kolesá a trojdielne ráfiky a predáva ich po celom svete v Spojených štátoch, Japonsku, Austrálii, ako aj v Spojenom kráľovstve, Poľsku a ďalších.
Získajte kované koleso na mieru v našej továrni! Máme viac ako 8 rokov skúseností ako profesionál v oblasti prispôsobenia a ponúkame vám jedinečné riešenia nábojov kolies. Nie je možné ho len vytvarovať do jedinečných tvarov podľa potrieb zákazníka, ale možno ho tiež prispôsobiť tak, aby obsahoval sýte a živé farby na základe preferencií, aby ste sa uistili, že vaše vozidlo bude jedinečné. Zaviazali sme sa k inteligentnej výrobe prémiových kolies, ktoré nielen uspokoja osobné požiadavky, ale poskytujú konkurenciu na trhu a vedú trendy na trhu. S našou spoločnosťou získate výrazné a atraktívne kolesá, ktoré dodajú vášmu vozidlu nový život.
Spoločnosť PWCFORGE získala certifikácie ako ISO9001 TUV, ISO9001 a mnoho ďalších. PWCFORGED je vlastníkom viacerých patentov a tiež kompletného tímu popredajnej podpory.