Wheels — The round parts on your car that make it go down the road. They can be found in large factory bores, small custom shop guns and everything in between. Wheels are either big or small. Few are circular and some of them can be irregular. Ever seen a wheel that was black with shiny silver lip? It is a different style that many love, and it is invaluable for resources
I really like the silver look of this edging on a black wheel. PWC FORGED WHEELS hliníkový ráfik kolesa has that little something to make your car look different than all of the others on the road. These look cool and can help your car get some attention in the crowd. If you would like to give your cars wheels a better and more stylish look, then one of the most amazing transportation solutions choose is definitely black wheels with silver line
Because you never know who will see your car when driving up and down the street. Then, you want them to glance at your car and appreciate the design of it. You have black wheels with a polished silver lip — that's one way to do it. People are probably craning their neck and checking you out with this suave look
The wheels offer an aggressive look thanks to the black color, with the silver edge providing a touch of class. These PWC FORGED WHEELS koleso auta colors when combined together make for the best combo that lets everyone know that your car is not just another run-of-the-mill vehicle. You will feel like the king/queen of the road ready for whatever
It is like wearing a piece of jewelry to make something beautiful even more beautiful. These are some sweet wheels and people will notice your car. The PWC FORGED WHEELS chrómové lakované kolesá shiny silver rim will catch their eyes and they just wont be able to look away. That car is going to turn a lot of heads and even create your next conversation starter
And might we add, look a whole lot better than whatever aftermarket wheels are on your car now at absolutely zero-percent of the cost. Moreover, these are strong and endure the wear and tear of regular driving. You will be thrilled with the choice you made in picking black wheels silver lip. A decision that will ensure your car looks good for a long time to come!
References to Batman, Presidents and Flowers seems like having a painting on your car that everyone will love, take pictures… These bad boy wheels will definitely make you a head-turner out in public! You can rest easy knowing that when you go with PWC Forged Wheels, you are getting a quality product that is going to last and be able to take it.
Stred spája vonkajší okraj a vnútorný valec. Poskytnite väčšiu flexibilitu dizajnu, ktorá umožňuje meniť tvar, veľkosť a farbu všetkých troch komponentov. Je to široko využívané pretekárske, luxusné auto a špecifické aplikácie.
Získajte kované koleso na mieru v našej továrni! Máme viac ako 8 rokov skúseností ako profesionál v oblasti prispôsobenia a ponúkame vám jedinečné riešenia nábojov kolies. Nie je možné ho len vytvarovať do jedinečných tvarov podľa potrieb zákazníka, ale možno ho tiež prispôsobiť tak, aby obsahoval sýte a živé farby na základe preferencií, aby ste sa uistili, že vaše vozidlo bude jedinečné. Zaviazali sme sa k inteligentnej výrobe prémiových kolies, ktoré nielen uspokoja osobné požiadavky, ale poskytujú konkurenciu na trhu a vedú trendy na trhu. S našou spoločnosťou získate výrazné a atraktívne kolesá, ktoré dodajú vášmu vozidlu nový život.
PWCFORGED je výrobný závod s celkovou rozlohou 2000 metrov štvorcových s výrobným radom schopným vyrábať náboje kolies a ráfiky. Je schopný produkovať mesačnú priemernú kapacitu 50.000 XNUMX. Vyrába kované kolesá a trojdielne ráfiky a predáva ich po celom svete v Spojených štátoch, Japonsku, Austrálii, Spojenom kráľovstve, Poľsku a ďalších.
Spoločnosť PWCFORGED získala certifikáty ako ISO9001, TUV atď. Existuje tiež viacero patentov a rozsiahle popredajné tímy, ktoré vám môžu slúžiť.