Do You Want Your Old Car to Resemble its New State? Look no further. Last, don't forget to have a look at PWC FORGED WHEELS — 3 piece rims in 22 inches. This is our latest creation and these rims aren't any rims but they will truly make a difference to your cruise. The contrast of those 22 palcové 3-dielne ráfiky will certainly make it appear attractive and stick out among the remainder.
Strong with a beautiful appeal, our 3 piece 22 inch rims are built to endure the test of time as well. This is the reason they are extremely reliable to look and use for a long time because these are made with premium quality material. In such cases, it is believed that when you buy PWC FORGED WHEELS Rims then you buying right value rim to your car. Not only are your car going to look better, however, these 22 inch forged rims will even help it do the job for many drives ahead.
But that’s not all. Oh and these rims make your car handle better too! Race Mesh Grilles are light weight and engineered just right so that it does not bog down your car on the road. As it is, you will suffer less flex in daily driving and the drive home from Cars and Coffee. Rims of PWC FORGED WHEELS - give you the ability to feel great on the road, with your new rims you get better control and stability while driving.
Then slap on those 3 piece 22 inch rims and see what your car can do. It feels like finding buried treasure! There are several benefits of having a set of 22 palcové kované kolesá on your car: They make your car look good; you feel good when you see them, and they help deliver the drive. That feeling is the sensation you will be filled with every time you get into this vehicle, ready to take on whatever road comes your way.
Stand out above the rest with our 3 piece 22 inch rims. It's really beautifully designed, coming with high quality that will definitely suit your car. You, also, will appreciate how great your car looks with our incredible new 22x12 kované kolesá. Show off your ride and get out an proud in that new look.
Stred slúži ako spojenie medzi vonkajším okrajom a vnútorným valcom a stredom. Skladá sa z troch hlavných častí, ktoré zahŕňajú vonkajší okraj, stred a vnútorný valec. To dáva väčšiu flexibilitu dizajnu, pretože je možné prispôsobiť veľkosť, tvar a farbu každej časti. Toto bežne používané pretekárske vozidlá, luxusné automobily a v aplikácii na mieru.
PWCFORGED je výrobné centrum s rozlohou 2000 metrov štvorcových s kompletnou výrobnou linkou na výrobu nábojov kolies a ráfikov a priemernou ročnou výrobnou kapacitou 50.000 XNUMX kusov. Spoločnosť vyrába kované ráfiky trojdielne a náboje kolies. Tieto produkty predáva po celom svete, vrátane Spojených štátov amerických, Japonska, Austrálie a Spojeného kráľovstva.
PWCFORGED získala certifikáty ako ISO9001 TUV, ISO9001 atď. PWCFORGED je vlastníkom viacerých patentov, ako aj kompletným popredajným tímom.
Vyberte si náš zákaznícky servis kovaných kolies z našej továrne! Máme viac ako 8 rokov skúseností s profesionálnym prispôsobením a poskytujeme vám jedinečné možnosti nábojov kolies. Nielenže ho možno prispôsobiť jedinečným tvarom podľa požiadaviek zákazníka, ale možno ho prispôsobiť pomocou sýtych a žiarivých farieb na základe preferencií, aby bolo vaše auto charakteristické. Zaviazali sme sa k výrobe prémiových kolies, ktoré nielen spĺňajú osobné požiadavky, ale sú konkurencieschopné na trhu a vedú trendy na trhu. Keď si vyberiete nás, dostanete koleso auta, ktoré je výrazné, pútavé a dodáva vášmu autu svieži život.