Do you want to improve the aesthetics of your car? Then PWC FORGED WHEELS is a must! This enables your automobile to really stand out compared to some other models throughout the tracks, with Ethos Stepped Lip Concave Wheels being a great way to set yourself apart from the pack. However, if you pay attention, you will see that these wheels look modern and smooth making them the future of car design. With these wheels you can really express your personality and customize your car!
Stepped lip concave wheels have a concave surface that curves backwards with a step lip. This gives the wheel the implemented design of dropping the outer edge down into the centre, and it's an original appearance — stylish, however functional at that time. This construction allow the wheel to be larger, while maintaining their same width. Because of this, expect a tougher look and better on-road handling for the car. It will feel different in your car when you drive, and it will look awesome while doing so!
Stepped Lip Concave Wheels are the future of cars for many reasons. Their unique design makes your vehicle look good and perform better on the road. What this means is that you can take tighter corners or go faster without as much concern, Second, the stepped lip design allows for the wheels to be larger without increasing the overall width of the tires. This allows you to have larger wheels without needing to purchase new tires, which could save you a lot of money in the future. Finally, people will definitely notice your car on the road because of the cool, modern style of these wheels! You'll love driving it around town.
Stepped Lip Concave Wheels are just cool as hell. They are also highly different and very distinct, with their curved face and stepped lip. Curved face gives a neat look to the wheel and helps the design stand out, socially for someone who likes to catch others eyes. Then, the stepped lip allows for a larger wheel, accentuating it further. This particular design gives your car a personality, and possibly to show that they care about the appearance of your car.
These wheels are an excellent option if you want to give your vehicle a new look. They will make your car look great and have a great feel. In addition to static stickers, you can install graphics or decals that only go on certain portions of the car: these give your ride a streamlined, neoteric vibe that sets it apart from the mass production line. Best of all, the stepped lip design allows each wheel to grow larger without changing its width, giving your car a tougher look and better handling. With your car looking and driving you will be more confident on the road.
Vi inviterer deg til å dra nytte av vår fabrikks spesialtilpassede smidde hjulservice! Vår eksperterfaring med å tilpasse smidde hjul strekker seg over mer enn 8 år. Vi tilbyr unike hjulnavalternativer. Den kan lages i unike former og oppfyller kundens krav, og kan tilpasses med livlige farger som gjør bilen din unik. Vi er dedikert til produksjon av high-end hjul som ikke bare oppfyller kravene til den enkelte, men som er konkurransedyktige i markedet og følger bransjetrender. Når du velger oss, vil du ha det mest unike og fengslende hjulet som injiserer ny vitalitet i bilen din.
PWCFORGED, produksjonsanlegg med et samlet areal på 2000 kvadratmeter og produksjonslinje som er i stand til å produsere hjulnav og felger. Den har en månedlig gjennomsnittlig produksjonskapasitet på 50.000. Selskapet produserer smidde felger, tredelte felger samt hjulnav. Selskapet selger produktene sine over hele verden, inkludert i USA, Japan, Australia og Storbritannia.
PWCFORGED har blitt tildelt sertifiseringer som ISO9001, TUV, etc. PWCFORGED er eier av flere patenter og fullt ettersalgsteam.
Senteret forener den ytre leppen og den indre tønnen. Gi flere designfleksibilitet tillater endringer i form, størrelse og farge på alle tre komponentene. Det er mye brukt racing, luksusbil og spesifikk applikasjon.