If you're tired of the wheels that came with your car, truck or SUV. Or are you looking to show the world just who you are when your on the road? If so, then do yourself a favour and visit PWC FORGED WHEELS to see their lip outer rims!
A Rim Outer Lip is a cosmetic ring that fits over the edge of your wheel. It gives a detailed edge and helps to differentiate your set of wheels away from others. It will definitely let you add some bling to your wheel selection, you can choose from reflective finishes, deep black or even special custom colors that wide lip wheels will really shake up the scene.
Rim outer lips look great and also function to protect the wheels. Its outer lip works as a guard, so when you hit something, it takes the hit and not your wheel. PWC FORGED WHEELS is using bijeli kotači polirani usne strong material that will keep your outer lip'll longer and make your wheel as new one.
Buying new tires can be a great way of enhancing the look and performance of your car. An even more exciting version of this upgrade is by adding a rim outer lip. This kotači s kromiranim rubom outer lip give the appearance of a continuous wheel and tire profile which is clean, unbroken line that makes any car appear well coordinated. Sizes and Styles PWC FORGED WHEELS come in sizes and styles to make sure your rim outer lip fits your tires properly, as well as with your wheels.
Korištenje električnih romobila ističe kotačić vanjska usna rim outer lip is designed to enhance the appearance of your car — and sometimes it can actually improve the performance. Because it strengthens the wheel and that it stabilizes your car to make better for performance on road. Besides, it might even contribute to fuel economy in the process because a lighter wheel is easier to motivate. It rim outer lips — to enhance your driving performance in the perfect combination of minimum weight and strength issues built tough.
No two cars are the same, and knows that standing out from the crowd is everything. From here, the usnica kotača experts on their team will work closely with you to design a rim outer lip that suits your style and personality perfectly. Whether you want a complex pattern or bright colors the options are infinite and you can create anything that represents you!
PWCFORGED je dobio certifikate kao što su ISO9001, TUV, itd. PWCFORGED je vlasnik više patenata i kompletnog postprodajnog tima.
Središte spaja vanjsku usnu i unutarnju cijev. Pruža više fleksibilnosti dizajna omogućuje promjenu oblika, veličine i boje sve tri komponente. Opsežno se koristi za utrke, luksuzne automobile i posebne primjene.
Pozivamo vas da iskoristite uslugu kovanih kotača naše tvornice po narudžbi! Imamo više od osam godina profesionalnog iskustva u prilagođavanju i pružamo vam jedinstvene opcije glavčine kotača. Može se oblikovati u jedinstvene oblike koji zadovoljavaju potrebe kupaca, a može se prilagoditi i uključiti bogate boje za stvaranje jedinstvenog vozila. Posvećeni smo proizvodnji vrhunskih kotača koji ne samo da zadovoljavaju osobne zahtjeve, već su konkurentni na tržištu i prate industrijske trendove. Osigurat ćemo vam volan koji je jedinstveno atraktivan, privlačan i donosi novu dimenziju vašem automobilu kada odaberete nas.
PWCFORGED, proizvodni pogon s ukupnom površinom od 2000 četvornih metara i proizvodnom linijom sposobnom za proizvodnju glavčina kotača i naplataka. Ima prosječni mjesečni proizvodni kapacitet od 50.000. Tvrtka proizvodi kovane naplatke, trodijelne naplatke kao i glavčine kotača. Tvrtka prodaje svoje proizvode širom svijeta, uključujući Sjedinjene Američke Države, Japan, Australiju i Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo.