Do you want your car to go faster and handle better? Check out PWC FORGED WHEELS Sland Lip Wheels The idea behind these wheels is to ensure that your car stays faster at the track and it enables it to get to move with a greater agility. The wheels are also mounted at a unique slant, which is claimed to help direct air around the car's humps and lumps more efficiently, decreasing drag. This Llantes de 13 polzades translates to added power, which lets your car go faster and makes it more stable at higher speeds. Not to mention, stylish as hell too.
La Llantes de 15 polzades from PWC FORGED WHEELS serve a purpose, in that they help your car get faster, but they also look awesome. They come with a variety of styles and designs, so you can get the perfect set that suits your car's personality among others. A classic black finish is also offered, as is a shiny silver one, but the slant lip is designed to add a modern flair that helps separate them from other designs Your car will stop traffic when you are cruising along with a new set of SL or Slant Lip Wheels.
Why you take your car to a race, any chance of being faster than the competition counts. Bottom line, slant lip wheels = WINNING. (haha actually I'm just faster and my BMW is lower than most the people there) The Llantes de 14 polzades design reduces the amount of wind that your car has to move out of the way to go around the track. The design additionally aids to improve handling, as well as grip of your own car so that it is probable to consider substances which are provided in sharper processes and remain solid generally in most about-even bigger price. Whether you buy track wheels with slant lip, or race one-piece PWC FORGED WHEELS, we all know the fact is that lap times will tell the story.
As a car person, not knowing you'd never want your car to be made fun of is it even worth living? Customized Slant lip wheels from PWC FORGED WHEELS will give your design a personal touch and make it unique. They come in several colors ranging from aggressive black to chrome, or even this bronze. There are also various sizes to choose from, ensuring that the wheels look perfect on your car. Llantes de 16 polzades allow you to achieve a stylish and performance look, further distinguishing your vehicle in the heard.
Llandes d'aliatge classic 350 not only improve the speed and performance of your car, but it provides a smoother ride. The wheels are slanted and thinner so that they are able to absorb some of the impact from bumps, potholes etc., making your drive as smooth as possible. This will make it more comfortable for you and your passengers on extended road trips. Not only that, but since these wheels have way better handling and grip than regular tires, you will also be able to drive on any type of road as much you want with no need to stress.
S'utilitzen carreres, vehicles, cotxes de luxe i fins i tot aplicacions personalitzades. Connecteu al centre el llavi exterior i els barrils interiors. El centre connecta els llavis exteriors i el canó interior. Proporciona disseny i flexibilitat, permetent ajustar la mida, les formes i el color de les tres parts.
PWCFORGED és una instal·lació de fabricació amb una superfície total de 2000 metres quadrats, amb una línia de produccions capaç de fabricar cubs i llantes de rodes. És capaç de produir una capacitat mitjana mensual de 50.000. Fabrica rodes forjades i llantes de tres peces i les ven a tot el món als Estats Units, Japó, Austràlia, Regne Unit, Polònia i més.
Benvingut al servei personalitzat de rodes forjades de la nostra fàbrica! La nostra experiència experta en la personalització de rodes forjades té més de 8 anys. Oferim una varietat d'opcions de cub de rodes úniques. No només es pot fer en formes úniques segons els requisits del client, sinó que també es pot personalitzar amb colors rics i vibrants segons les vostres preferències, assegureu-vos que el vostre vehicle sigui diferent. Ens dediquem a la producció de rodes de gamma alta que no només poden satisfer les vostres necessitats individuals, sinó que també són competitives al mercat i segueixen en la indústria. Obtindreu una roda que és atractiva, captivadora i que aporta nova vida al vostre cotxe quan ens trieu.
PWCFORGE va obtenir certificacions, com ISO9001 TUV, ISO9001 i moltes més. PWCFORGED és el propietari de múltiples patents i també un equip complet de suport postvenda.