If you do not want to get a new car smell again and love to shine your car so this is your answer. And a way to do it, is by buying a wheel outer lip from PWC Forged Wheels. We show you why a wheel outer lip can benefit your car and also why PWC Forged Wheels are right for your vehicle
1- Do you ever fear of your rims getting damaged when you drive on some bumpy or rough paths? The idea of any scratches or dents on your wheel can be frightening. One of those parts is a wheel outer lip, which can be key in protecting your rims from damage. That outer lip is a sort of cushioning or barrier, if you will, between your wheel and that pesky curb. If you hit a rough patch of road or turn a little too sharply, the outside lip takes the hit and leaves your rims with less scuffs and damage. The Dealership will sell you a additional wheel outer lip, which is even more expensive than the alloy wheel to ric nose knock. A nice reliable 22 цола ковани джанти should you relaxed about driving because your alloy rims can be safe and also perfect.
You can also opt for the wheel outer lip to enhance the look of your car. Choose the design that is perfect for your car 22 цола ковани джанти comes in many different designs. If you prefer a timeless style that does not look out of date or a bold contemporary style, PWC Forged Wheels has something for you. In addition, the outer lips are designed to last and will not only appear great but also stay usable for many years to come. A good styled outer lip can really change how the car looks as a whole.
PWC Forged Wheels: The Problem With Every Car Is Different Below is one reason why we offer our custom made 22 цола джанти 3 бр that would suit your particular wheel diameter and design. At PRO Wheel Werks, we have a team of professionals that can work with you to come up with the perfect lip design for your wheels that will also look great on your car. Our manufacturing process is state-of-the-art to guarantee that we produce a custom outer lip with the highest quality and precision. So, you receive a product that looks right and it makes your vehicle look even better.
One common problem that many car owner faces is curb rash, and it can be very costly to fix once occurred. Apparently, though, a wheel outer lip from PWC Forged Wheels has now solved your curb rash problems before they even begin. The 22х12 ковани джанти have hard outer lips to energise the impact against a kerb or other obstruction. This feature acts as a shield and protects your rims from getting damaged. There are so many options to choose from, but when you find the perfect outer lip for your taste and preference, they can be matched with any of the wheels that Sweep has on offer which will keep rims looking “like new”.
Do you realize that even a 22x12 обратна устна can help your car perform better in some manner? That’s right. Adding an aerodynamic outer lip to your wheels can serve as a way to optimize airflow and reduce drag. This, in turn means better gas mileage so that one can save more money on petrol. Better airflow can also help improve the handling of your car as well feel more enjoyable to drive. PWC Forged Wheels provides a range of aerodynamically shaped outer lips which is designed to increase the performance of the car and provide you with maximum driving comfort.
PWCFORGED получи сертификати като ISO9001 TUV, ISO9001 и др. PWCFORGED е собственик на множество патенти, както и на пълен екип за следпродажбено обслужване.
Центърът свързва външната устна с вътрешната цев. Центърът се свързва с външната устна във вътрешността на цевта. Осигурете по-голяма свобода на дизайна, която позволява промени във формата, размера и цвета на трите компонента. Това са често използвани състезателни превозни средства, луксозни автомобили, както и приложение по поръчка.
Вземете специално ковано колело от нашата фабрика! Нашият професионален опит в персонализирането обхваща над осем години. Предлагаме уникални решения за главини на колела. Не само може да бъде оформен в специфични форми, за да отговори на нуждите на клиентите, но също така може да бъде персонализиран с живи и живи цветове въз основа на предпочитанията, които гарантират, че вашият автомобил е уникален. Ние се ангажираме с интелигентно производство на колела, изработени от висококачествени материали, които не само отговарят на специфични нужди, но също така предлагат водеща на пазара конкурентоспособност и са по-напред в индустрията. Когато изберете нас, вие ще имате уникално и привличащо вниманието колело, което придава нова сила на вашия автомобил.
PWCFORGED е производствено съоръжение с обща площ от 2000 квадратни метра, с производствена линия, способна да произвежда главини и джанти за колела. Той е в състояние да произвежда среден месечен капацитет от 50.000 XNUMX. Той произвежда ковани колела и джанти от три части и ги продава по целия свят в Съединените щати, Япония, Австралия, Обединеното кралство, Полша и др.